Monday, February 23, 2009

The date is set...

Looks like we will be moving to Jordan on March 14th. Sooooooooo close! I will have internet over there so I'm sure I will keep in touch with everyone!

Over the weekend, Kareem had a fever that lasted 24 hours and started getting red dots all over his body. It started out as a few and then today they are all over him. I took him to the doc and he had a reaction to the MMR shot. He will be fine and the rash should go away within a few days. He did get the chicken pox shot and I thought it might have been from that. Thank God it wasn't since I've never had the chicken pox and I need to get a vaccine myself. I'd hate to get CP at my age. :o/

That's all for now, I have lots of packing/sorting to do. I'm excited to go but it will take some getting used to and until everything is set over there, it will be very frustrating and stressful. :::::sigh:::::


  1. Oh wow Joy! The move is so soon but good luck with it!

    (((Kareem))) Hope he's feeling better!

  2. Hey I just found your blog :-D, good luck with the move!
